Zhi Ling

Research assistant, SSHSPH, NUS


This is Zhi Ling (“Zhi” sounds the same as Gee). I am a research assistant from Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore. My advisor is Dr. Swapnil Mishra. I’m broadly interested in machine learning and public health. I am also interested in developing general Bayesian methods for biostatistical applications.

In my spare time, I am deeply engaged in to the digital compilation and analysis of ancient Chinese books. This includes a particular focus on traditional Chinese medicine and ancient Chinese literature. I am currently leading a major project on the phonetic notation of Chinese philosophical classics (Typst, RustPython), possibly the largest of its kind to date. This project is in collaboration with my friends from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and aims to promote cultural education and dissemination. See here for an example.